In North America in particular the United States, we live a fast fast paced lifestyle juggling several things going on at once that brings us stress.
There is constant pressure to survive and make a living. We are challenged with sky-high home prices, mortgages and rent; nearly everything is expensive which puts a lot of pressure on us. In our professions, some of us have corporate and administrative jobs.
Some of us are teachers, doctors, lawyers, civic/religious leaders, engineers, construction workers, in the medical field, daycare, the trade field, and many other occupations. Many of us are students, from elementary school to graduate and PHD levels.

We are also athletes or individuals who constantly train and workout to keep a fit body. However, most importantly, many Americans are also Mom’s and Dad’s, raising families and other community responsibilities.
How Do You Define Optimal Health in America?
Based on this busy American lifestyle, our bodies need to be constantly replenished with large amounts of healthy foods, in particular fruits and vegetables. Therefore, this is what leads us to this very important article in regards to our health for Americans and what optimal health is. Optimal health in today’s society could mean several things to many different people.
Therefore, I can guarantee you most individuals or groups of citizens of the U.S. has their own definition on the best way to stay healthy.In most cases, these definitions are shaped by one’s childhood experiences at the dinner table based on what their parents fed them. Later as adults, these same people then branch off into their own line of eating usually holding onto the foundation their parents and family gave them to varying degrees.
We respect every man and woman’s definition of what health means to them according to the foods they eat. As the old saying goes, “you don’t criticize a person’s food and God”. I personally have seen and heard of stories where friendships, family or work associates break up and have a falling out over, you guessed it, food debates! Yes, the subject of food in the U.S. is a very sensitive issue to many due to it being a very intimate experience. It is a close relationship between the food you see, the food you put in your mouth at work, with family, social groups or in private.
However, this relationship has been formulated over time largely based on people’s ignorance on what real food is versus toxic or processed food. These types of processed and man-made foods for profit can also usually be found at profit making supermarket chains, the corner liquor store and other deathly chain food stores around America.
These stores are usually in the “hood” or near poorer neighborhoods were there are people of color and in particular, many African-American & Latino communities are targeted. In the heart of poorer communities of America, you probably will not find a Whole Foods market, specialty health food stores or Farmers market.
At a global view, some groups in so-called third world countries eat eggs, dairy, meat, and even bugs or insects and they are still healthy, living without cancers, diabetes and other pathologies. You may think this is gross with the insects in all, however the difference is some of these groups eat their meat and insects freshly slaughtered!
Most of today’s meat, dairy, and other processed foods in America are not fresh and manufactured with chemicals and toxins in processing plants to produce mass production for large or urban populations; This is what leads people to getting sick. On top of this, many of us are eating loads of preserved meat all-day and everyday because of a recent freezing invention called the refrigerator.
Think about it, years ago, our grandparents, and great grand parents did not suffer as much as we do today from all the meat they ate. This is because they usually rung their own chicken’s neck on the farm, slaughtered their own bulls or pigs (although they should have stayed away from pigs completely).
Most of them did not have access to refrigerators or supermarkets to preserve their meats; they ate it freshly killed and cooked on the spot! Now be honest with yourself, in these “modern times” are you about to work 9 to 5, come home, roll up your sleeves and slaughter a bloody, messy cow or chicken for your meat and evening meal? I don’t think so!
Today in the U.S., our bodies, according to the foods we eat, are not producing Optimal Health for us. Optimal health is the most important gift you can have, so let’s first examine what optimal health is in definition. Optimal Health in Webster’s Dictionary states as follows: Optimal Health 1. That is, it is the health goals that a person can realistically achieve to feel their personal best.
Based on this definition, many individuals are not “realistically” living optimally to their personal best health because it has been proven the Standard American Diet or (SAD) can kill you slowly over time. The SAD diet, (and indeed it is very sad) is often consumed through ignorance and rebellion and often consist of fast foods, unhealthy greasy fried foods, candy, soda, white flour & sugar, tons of meat and dairy.
Malnutrition in The U.S. & Moringa
We have noticed that many American people of all nationalities and ethnic groups are comfortable with eating whatever they want despite the food facts and risk of living with aliments, disease and in misery. The late comedian Dick Gregory says, “People love to change and clean the oil in their car, or clean their house, take showers, however they enjoy being toxic and filthy”.
Therefore, diet is the primary way in which health can be improved in this country. The World Health Organization reports that 70 to 80 percent of people living in developed nations (like the U.S.) die from dietary or lifestyle caused diseases. Cancers, heart disease, and atherosclerosis are indeed dietary diseases.
In America, another major cause of dietary disease is malnutrition. Understand that malnutrition is not only starving third world children with pot bellies and flies circling around their heads. Well-fed and full people can be malnourished; For example many people eat all day long, but lack the essential nutrients necessary for optimal health.
Our bodies require some 90 different nutrients in order to produce and maintain optimal health. These nutrients are pure water, fatty acids (dietary fats) amino acids (from protein in nuts, vegetables, fruits, grains), vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates. If these types of natural foods are not replenished every day, new cells in our bodies cannot be made to protect us from disease.
With that said, the history of Moringa in the United States is fairly recent. This country is usually last and behind all health and healing technologies from Eastern countries. The seeds of this magical plant was recently cultivated and grown in warmer regions of America. This is because the Moringa plant grows the best and at its peak (about 6ft) typically in hot tropical countries in Africa, India and Asia at temperatures averaging between 77 and 95 degrees F.
Therefore, the seeds were recently brought over to the states to be cultivated in the more hot or tropical states of the U.S. in Florida, Hawaii, Southern California, Texas, Louisiana and Arizona. The seed of Moringa also contains rich oil that can be extracted and used for the skin.
Do You Have Pressure To Get Healthy?
We live in a country where there is constant pressure to get healthy or healthier. You often are bombarded with health advertisement commercials marketing separate pills to you such as “you need more vitamin A, B, C, D, E K and so on. Well this is confusing and can be expensive on top of it! How are you going to manage and take all these different pills throughout the day? Therefore, you try and solve your health problems by going to the supermarket to buy more fruits, vegetables and other items but you often get more confused because you don’t know what is good for you and what is not.
Well this is where the magic of Moringa comes into settle the score. Nutrition wise, this magical Moringa tree contains 4 times the vitamin A of carrots, 2 times the protein of milk (and 4 times the calcium), 7 times the vitamin C of oranges, and 3 times the potassium of bananas, making it the most potent plant nutritionally plant from nature!
Moringa is an all in one unique plant from nature containing vitamins from A to Z and many unknown rare nutrients. Many are not on your average scientific vitamin charts. Moringa also has 25 times the iron of spinach, and is high in Omega 3’s. The high iron in Moringa is great for women in particular who suffer from iron deficiencies and loss of blood from during menses.
There is no accident the world health organizations in Africa and India has described Moringa as being the solution for malnutrition. Further historical evidence of Moringa also leads to Moringa not only being the most nutritious plant on earth, it also contains some 92 vitamins and minerals and 46 antioxidants.
Healing wise, the magical Moringa plant has been recorded in the sacred text of Ayurvedic medicine as having 300 different applications used to heal diseases. Moringa in America is also great for study and memorization in school or in general because of its potent vitamin C count, delivering key antioxidants into the brain.
Get Your Protein with Moringa!
In America, the protein revolution has been the latest and greatest topic of craze the past 20 years. You hear it on commercials, from coaches, teachers, family members and people at work, “your need more protein, did you get your protein?” However most people do not know how to get their protein. Many still believe protein only comes from meat. This is not true and on top of this, meat protein comes in very small amounts if any due to the fact that the meat has been cooked.
When you cook meat, you kill the protein enzymes they contain. Are you willing to eat it raw to get that protein? We doubt this and this is where Moringa comes in. Most healthy protein comes from vegetables and unrefined grains. Moringa is potent in protein, containing 2 times the amount of meat and yogurt. This makes it an excellent source of protein for athletes, energy, the elderly and growing children.
In conclusion, based on the fast passed American lifestyle on the go, Moringa is readily available for your convenience in capsules and powder. This way, you can still endure the rigors of living in this busy, crazy highly competitive U.S of A and still maintain optimal health by consuming the most highly nutritious plant in the world, Moringa.